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Prague´s Comenius project meeting report (Zpráva o partnerské schůzce projektu Comenius v Praze)

A Report from the project meeting in Prague, 21st – 27th April 2007

At the end of April all schools taking in the project met in Prague for a project meeting that was to be the evaluating one for the second year of the project. The word “all“ is stressed because it was the first time the Portuguese school participants took part in this kind of event, so there were all of us: Italy, Greece, Portugal and of course the Czech republic in the role of the host.
Before the meeting we were trying to think a lot about what´s necesary to deal with during the negotiations as well as what could be interesting and stimulating to see and experience.
During the three meetings held on Sunday, Monday and Wednesday we went through all the tasks we´ve set so far and both students and teachers took the opportunity to comment on whatever the project involves. All students who were and are taking an active part in the project then presented their works – mostly talking about famous personalities from their countries.

The tasks we agreed on were as follows:

• Finishing the list of famous personalities within the on line catalogue of the project website

• Sending three questions of any kind about the personality – these will be mixed with other questions and Vítek Janda will then create a quiz that will be generating a certain amount of questions made up of the whole list

• Taking part in an event linked with the project in any way (an, exhibition, concert, theatre performance…) and thus fulfil the resolution we made in Crete, November 2006 – having a theoretical (website catalogue) and
a practical part of the project

• Arranging a web conference either between just two schools at a time, or, if it is technically possible, among more schools at the beginning of June

• A filmed discussion with students about the project – its sense, activities, problems the students faced and perhaps what can be done to make the project activities and the final products better than they are now. This shopuld be in English, so that we can put it on the website and the partners can see and listen to their fellow project students talking about the project.

• We also talked about the next project meeting , but we could not decide about it at that time, as we were not sure whether the Portuguese school will or will not continue in the project in the following year.

As for the “fun“ part of the project, we hope all our guests had fun, although sometimes they seemed a bit tired of all the walking through Prague – which us, Czechs consider a usual, everyday routine.
We visited the Karlstejn castle, tasted traditional Czech food in a traditional Czech pub and went to Plzen to see the most famous brewery in the world. What we thought to be an original activity was that the Czech students themselves prepared a sightseeing tour of Prague for the guests, and we also had an international match of football and volleyball, which was absolutely fabulous! Just before the end of the meeting we went to a peculiar interactive exhibition of unusual musical instruments and we also had an outside barbecue party where we had time to socialize, teach the guests the tradional Czech dances, have informal discussions about the project or anything else and just…. have some fun.

We hope you liked it and we look forward to seeing you again!!!

Radek, Vítek, Míša…
and the whole bunch of Czech Comenius students

Mgr. Radek Dán
koordinátor Erasmus+
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